Sponsors: Sen. Ann Cummings
Last Recorded Action: 6/17/2024 - Ordered to lie
S.94 - An act relating to the City of Barre tax increment financing district
Discussion and possible vote
Carolyn Dawes, City Clerk/Treasurer, City of BarreS.94 - An act relating to the City of Barre tax increment financing district
Rebecca Wasserman, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative CounselS.94 - An act relating to the City of Barre tax increment financing district
Carol Dawes, Legislative Committee Chair, Vermont Municipal Clerks and Treasurers AssociationS.94 - An act relating to the City of Barre tax increment financing district
David Hall, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative CounselS.94 - An act relating to the City of Barre tax increment financing district
Rebecca Wasserman, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative CounselS.94 - An act relating to the City of Barre tax increment financing district
Rebecca Wasserman, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative CounselS.94 - An act relating to the City of Barre tax increment financing district
S.94 - An act relating to the City of Barre tax increment financing district
Rebecca Wasserman, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative CounselS.94 - An act relating to the City of Barre tax increment financing district
Fiscal Note Review
Ted Barnett, Fiscal Analyst, Joint Fiscal OfficeS.94 - An act relating to the City of Barre tax increment financing district
Committee Discussion
S.94 - An act relating to the City of Barre tax increment financing district
Amendment and possible vote
Rebecca Wasserman, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative CounselS.94 - An act relating to the City of Barre tax increment financing district
Rep. Tristan Toleno, Reporter, House Committee on AppropriationsS.94 - An act relating to the City of Barre tax increment financing district
Rep. Michael Marcotte, Owner, House Committee on Commerce and Economic DevelopmentS.94 - An act relating to the City of Barre tax increment financing district
Rebecca Wasserman, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Counsel