Sponsors: Sen. Ann Cummings , Sen. Philip Baruth, Sen. Christopher Bray, Sen. Thomas Chittenden, Sen. Brian Collamore, Sen. Ruth Hardy, Sen. Wendy Harrison, Sen. M. Jane Kitchel, Sen. Virginia Lyons, Sen. Kesha Ram Hinsdale, Sen. Anne Watson, Sen. Richard Westman, Sen. Rebecca White
Last Recorded Action: 2/9/2024 - Senate Message: Signed by Governor 2/07/2024
S.160 - An act relating to State education property taxes and flood-related damage
Kirby Keeton, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative CounselS.160 - An act relating to State education property taxes and flood-related damage
Fiscal Note and Possible Vote
Julia Richter, Senior Fiscal Analyst, Joint Fiscal OfficeS.160 - An act relating to State education property taxes and flood-related damage
Introduction and Vote
Sen. Ann Cummings, SponsorS.160 - An act relating to State education property taxes and flood-related damage
potential vote
Kirby Keeton, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative CounselS.160 - An act relating to State education property taxes and flood-related damage
Walk through and possible vote
Kirby Keeton, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Counsel