H.C.R.36 (Act R-52)
House concurrent resolution congratulating Shawna Wakeham-Smith of Shelburne on the tenth anniversary of her leadership as Director of Wish Granting at Make-A-Wish Vermont
Rep. Kathleen James, Sen. Virginia Lyons
Sen. Philip Baruth, Rep. Jessica Brumsted, Sen. Thomas Chittenden, Sen. Martine Gulick, Rep. Kate Lalley, Sen. Kesha Ram Hinsdale, Sen. Tanya Vyhovsky, Sen. Irene Wrenner
Last Recorded Action: 2/17/2023 - Adopted pursuant to Joint Rule 16b
Committee Activity - Meeting Full List
Regular Session 2023-2024
No meeting history found for H.C.R.36 in the Regular Session 2023-2024.