H.C.R.206 (Act R-271)

House concurrent resolution honoring the professional achievements of child and victim advocate Sally Borden

Sponsors: Rep. Barbara Rachelson, Rep. Emilie Krasnow, Rep. Martin LaLonde , Sen. Philip Baruth, Rep. Daisy Berbeco, Rep. Tiffany Bluemle, Sen. Thomas Chittenden, Rep. Brian Cina, Rep. Leonora Dodge, Rep. Karen Dolan, Rep. Golrang Garofano, Sen. Martine Gulick, Rep. Troy Headrick, Rep. Lori Houghton, Rep. Jill Krowinski, Rep. Kate Lalley, Rep. Kate Logan, Sen. Virginia Lyons, Rep. Brian Minier, Rep. Kate Nugent, Rep. Carol Ode, Sen. Kesha Ram Hinsdale, Rep. Gabrielle Stebbins, Rep. Mary-Katherine Stone, Sen. Tanya Vyhovsky, Rep. Chea Waters Evans, Sen. Irene Wrenner

Last Recorded Action: 4/24/2024 - Ceremonial Reading

Committee Activity - Witnesses Who Testified

Regular Session 2023-2024