
An act relating to the number of votes required for a write-in candidate to win a primary election

Sponsors: Rep. Robin Scheu , Rep. Joseph Andriano, Rep. Sarah "Sarita" Austin, Rep. Matthew Birong, Rep. Elizabeth Burrows, Rep. Ela Chapin, Rep. Peter Conlon, Rep. Leslie Goldman, Rep. Mary Howard, Rep. Emilie Krasnow, Rep. Michael Mrowicki, Rep. Carol Ode, Rep. Curt Taylor, Rep. Tristan Toleno, Rep. Joseph "Chip" Troiano

Location: House Committee on Government Operations and Military Affairs

Last Recorded Action: 3/1/2023 - Rep. McCarthy of St. Albans City moved to recommit the bill to the Committee on Government Operations and Military Affairs, which was agreed to

Committee Activity - Meeting Full List

Regular Session 2023-2024

Wednesday, January 25, 2023
House Committee on Government Operations and Military Affairs
1:00 PM

H.97 - An act relating to the number of votes required for a write-in candidate to win a primary election


Rep. Robin Scheu, Sponsor

Thursday, February 23, 2023
House Committee on Government Operations and Military Affairs
9:45 AM

H.97 - An act relating to the number of votes required for a write-in candidate to win a primary election

DR 23-0705- An act relating to miscellaneous changes to election laws will combine with H.97 as a strike all amendment

Tim Devlin, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Counsel
Will Senning, Director, Elections and Campaign Finance, Secretary of State's Office
Carol Dawes, Legislative Committee Chair, Vermont Municipal Clerks and Treasurers Association
11:00 AM

H.97 - An act relating to the number of votes required for a write-in candidate to win a primary election

DR 23-0705- An act relating to miscellaneous changes to election laws will combine with H.97 as a strike all amendment

1:15 PM

H.97 - An act relating to the number of votes required for a write-in candidate to win a primary election

DR 23-0705- An act relating to miscellaneous changes to election laws will combine with H.97 as a strike all amendment

3:45 PM

H.97 - An act relating to the number of votes required for a write-in candidate to win a primary election

DR 23-0705- An act relating to miscellaneous changes to election laws will combine with H.97 as a strike all amendment

Barbara Murphy, Former Representative, Independent
Tim Devlin, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Counsel
Will Senning, Director, Elections and Campaign Finance, Secretary of State's Office

Friday, February 24, 2023
House Committee on Government Operations and Military Affairs
after the Floor

H.97 - An act relating to the number of votes required for a write-in candidate to win a primary election

DR 23-0705- An act relating to miscellaneous changes to election laws will combine with H.97 as a strike all amendment
Possible mark-up and vote

Tim Devlin, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Counsel
Will Senning, Director, Elections and Campaign Finance, Secretary of State's Office
11:30 AM

H.97 - An act relating to the number of votes required for a write-in candidate to win a primary election

Continued -23-0705 strike all amendment with H.97

Tim Devlin, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Counsel
Will Senning, Director, Elections and Campaign Finance, Secretary of State's Office