An act relating to a single process for sealing criminal history records
Rep. Kenneth Goslant, Rep. Thomas Oliver
Rep. Ashley Bartley, Rep. Scott Beck, Rep. Carolyn Branagan, Rep. Thomas Burditt, Rep. Paul Clifford, Rep. Allen "Penny" Demar, Rep. Rodney Graham, Rep. Lisa Hango, Rep. James Harrison, Rep. Larry Labor, Rep. Eric Maguire, Rep. Francis McFaun, Rep. Michael Morgan, Rep. Mary Morrissey, Rep. Woodman Page, Rep. Arthur Peterson, Rep. Charles "Butch" Shaw, Rep. Brian Smith, Rep. Matthew Walker, Rep. Jonathan Williams
Location: House Committee on Judiciary
Last Recorded Action: 1/11/2024 - Read first time and referred to the Committee on Judiciary
Committee Activity - Witnesses Who Testified
Regular Session 2023-2024
House Committee on Judiciary
- Michele Childs, Legislative Counsel
- Ward Goodenough, State's Attorney, Department of State's Attorneys and Sheriffs
- Jay Greene, Racial Equity Policy & Research Analyst, Office of Racial Equity
- Erin Jacobsen, Assistant Attorney General, Attorney General's Office
- Jaye Johnson, General Counsel, Governor's Office
- Tucker Jones, Assistant General Counsel, Department of Public Safety
- Timothy Lueders-Dumont, Legislative & Asst. Appellate Attorney, Vermont Department of State's Attorneys and Sheriffs
- Tanya Marshall, State Archivist and Director, VT State Archives & Records Administration, Secretary of State's Office
- Marshall Pahl, Deputy Defender General and Chief Juvenile Defender, Defender General's Office
- Jennifer Poehlmann, Executive Director, Center for Crime Victim Services
- Sarah Robinson, Deputy Director, Vermont Network Against Domestic & Sexual Violence
- Jeffrey Wallin, Director, Vermont Crime Information Center (VCIC)