
An act relating to age-appropriate design code

Sponsors: Rep. Monique Priestley , Rep. Peter Anthony, Rep. Angela Arsenault, Rep. Sarah "Sarita" Austin, Rep. Daisy Berbeco, Rep. Tesha Buss, Rep. Melanie Carpenter, Rep. Conor Casey, Rep. Heather Chase, Rep. Kevin Christie, Rep. Esme Cole, Rep. Leonora Dodge, Rep. Caleb Elder, Rep. Robert "Bobby" Farlice-Rubio, Rep. Edye Graning, Rep. Lisa Hango, Rep. Troy Headrick, Rep. Mary Howard, Rep. Noah Hyman, Rep. Stephanie Jerome, Rep. Michael Mrowicki, Rep. Emma Mulvaney-Stanak, Rep. Kate Nugent, Rep. Carol Ode, Rep. Laura Sibilia, Rep. Katherine Sims, Rep. Gabrielle Stebbins, Rep. David Templeman

Location: House Committee on Commerce and Economic Development

Last Recorded Action: 1/9/2024 - Read first time and referred to the Committee on Commerce and Economic Development

Committee Activity - Witnesses Who Testified

Regular Session 2023-2024