Sponsors: Rep. Lisa Hango , Rep. Barbara Rachelson
Location: House Committee on Human Services
Last Recorded Action: 1/9/2024 - Read first time and referred to the Committee on Human Services
H.689 - An act relating to child abuse and neglect allegations involving military personnel
Bill introduction
Rep. Lisa Hango, SponsorH.689 - An act relating to child abuse and neglect allegations involving military personnel
Melissa Willette, New England Region Liaison, Defense-State Liaison Office, Department of Defense, Military Community and Family PolicyH.689 - An act relating to child abuse and neglect allegations involving military personnel
Aryka Radke, Deputy Commissioner, Family Services Division, Department for Children and FamiliesH.689 - An act relating to child abuse and neglect allegations involving military personnel
Benjamin Novogroski, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative CounselH.689 - An act relating to child abuse and neglect allegations involving military personnel
Gregory C. Knight, Adjutant General, Vermont National Guard