
An act relating to Medicaid estate recovery

Sponsors: Rep. Daisy Berbeco , Rep. Alyssa Black, Rep. Lucy Boyden, Rep. Elizabeth Burrows, Rep. Kevin Christie, Rep. Brian Cina, Rep. Esme Cole, Rep. Leonora Dodge, Rep. Anne Donahue, Rep. Robert "Bobby" Farlice-Rubio, Rep. Leslie Goldman, Rep. Rebecca Holcombe, Rep. Emilie Krasnow, Rep. Francis McFaun, Rep. Jubilee McGill, Rep. Michael Mrowicki, Rep. Daniel Noyes, Rep. Tristan Roberts, Rep. David Templeman, Rep. Chea Waters Evans

Location: House Committee on Health Care

Last Recorded Action: 2/28/2023 - Read first time and referred to the Committee on Health Care

Committee Activity - Witnesses Who Testified

Regular Session 2023-2024