
An act relating to supporting new farmers, veteran farmers, and farmers who are disadvantaged

Sponsors: Rep. Heather Surprenant, Rep. Esme Cole, Rep. Josie Leavitt , Rep. Lucy Boyden, Rep. Brian Cina, Rep. Philip "Jay" Hooper, Rep. Kate Logan, Rep. Michael Mrowicki, Rep. Emma Mulvaney-Stanak, Rep. Kelly Pajala, Rep. Mike Rice, Rep. Katherine Sims, Rep. Taylor Small, Rep. David Templeman, Rep. Kirk White, Rep. Dane Whitman

Location: House Committee on Agriculture, Food Resiliency, and Forestry

Last Recorded Action: 2/24/2023 - Read first time and referred to the Committee on Agriculture, Food Resiliency, and Forestry

Committee Activity - Meeting Full List

Regular Session 2023-2024

Tuesday, April 4, 2023
House Committee on Agriculture, Food Resiliency, and Forestry
1:45 PM

H.368 - An act relating to supporting new farmers, veteran farmers, and farmers who are disadvantaged


Rep. Heather Surprenant, Sponsor
2:00 PM

H.368 - An act relating to supporting new farmers, veteran farmers, and farmers who are disadvantaged


Michael O'Grady, Deputy Chief Counsel, Office of Legislative Counsel

Friday, April 14, 2023
House Committee on Agriculture, Food Resiliency, and Forestry
11:00 AM

H.368 - An act relating to supporting new farmers, veteran farmers, and farmers who are disadvantaged

Abbey Willard, Director, Agricultural Development Division, Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets