Sponsors: Rep. Thomas Stevens , Rep. Robin Chesnut-Tangerman
Location: Senate Committee on Economic Development, Housing and General Affairs
Last Recorded Action: 4/4/2023 - Read 1st time & referred to Committee on Economic Development, Housing and General Affairs
H.276 - An act relating to creating a rental housing registry
Introduction and walk-through
Rep. Thomas Stevens, SponsorH.276 - An act relating to creating a rental housing registry
Continuation from above
H.276 - An act relating to creating a rental housing registry
Sarah Carpenter, Chair, Rental Housing Advisory BoardH.276 - An act relating to creating a rental housing registry
Continuation of walk-through
David Hall, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative CounselH.276 - An act relating to creating a rental housing registry
Continuation from above
H.276 - An act relating to creating a rental housing registry
Julie Marks, Founder and Director, Vermont Short Term Rental Alliance Inc.H.276 - An act relating to creating a rental housing registry
Walk-through of new language
David Hall, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative CounselH.276 - An act relating to creating a rental housing registry
Josh Hanford, Commissioner, Department of Housing and Community DevelopmentH.276 - An act relating to creating a rental housing registry
Continuation from above
Molly Mahar, President, Vermont Ski Areas AssociationH.276 - An act relating to creating a rental housing registry
Committee discussion
David Hall, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative CounselH.276 - An act relating to creating a rental housing registry
Shawn Nailor, Secretary, Agency of Digital ServicesH.276 - An act relating to creating a rental housing registry
Sarah Carpenter, Chair, Rental Housing Advisory BoardH.276 - An act relating to creating a rental housing registry
Committee Discussion
David Hall, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative CounselH.276 - An act relating to creating a rental housing registry
Craig Bolio, Commissioner, Department of TaxesH.276 - An act relating to creating a rental housing registry
Discussion and possible inclusion of amendment language from
DR 23-0983.
Possible vote.
H.276 - An act relating to creating a rental housing registry
Discussion and possible inclusion of amendment language
from DR 23-0983.
Possible vote
H.276 - An act relating to creating a rental housing registry
Discussion and possible inclusion of amendment language
from DR 23-0983.
Possible vote.
H.276 - An act relating to creating a rental housing registry
David Hall, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative CounselH.276 - An act relating to creating a rental housing registry
David Hall, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative CounselH.276 - An act relating to creating a rental housing registry
Walk-through and possible vote
David Hall, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative CounselH.276 - An act relating to creating a rental housing registry
Amendment and vote
H.276 - An act relating to creating a rental housing registry
Technical amendment
H.276 - An act relating to creating a rental housing registry
House Committees of Appropriations and Ways and Means
Rep. Katherine Sims, Reporter, House Committee on Ways and MeansH.276 - An act relating to creating a rental housing registry