
An act relating to bolstering child and youth voices in Vermont

Sponsors: Rep. Golrang Garofano , Rep. Julia Andrews, Rep. Peter Anthony, Rep. Angela Arsenault, Rep. Daisy Berbeco, Rep. Alyssa Black, Rep. Jessica Brumsted, Rep. Melanie Carpenter, Rep. Kevin Christie, Rep. Esme Cole, Rep. Leonora Dodge, Rep. Karen Dolan, Rep. Robert "Bobby" Farlice-Rubio, Rep. Lori Houghton, Rep. Noah Hyman, Rep. Emilie Krasnow, Rep. Dennis LaBounty, Rep. Kate Logan, Rep. Kate McCann, Rep. Emma Mulvaney-Stanak, Rep. Phil Pouech, Rep. Monique Priestley, Rep. Barbara Rachelson, Rep. Tristan Roberts, Rep. Taylor Small, Rep. David Templeman, Rep. Dara Torre, Rep. Dane Whitman

Location: House Committee on Human Services

Last Recorded Action: 1/9/2024 - Read first time and referred to the Committee on Human Services

Committee Activity - Meeting Full List

Regular Session 2023-2024

No meeting history found for H.714 in the Regular Session 2023-2024.