Last Recorded Action: 6/20/2023 - House message: Governor approved bill on June 14, 2023
H.480 - An act relating to property valuation and reappraisals
Karen Horn, Director, Public Policy & Advocacy, Vermont League of Cities and TownsH.480 - An act relating to property valuation and reappraisals
Abby Shepard, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative CounselH.480 - An act relating to property valuation and reappraisals
Camilla Roberts, Hearing Officer, Property Valuation & Review, Department of TaxesH.480 - An act relating to property valuation and reappraisals
John Adams, Director, Center for Geographic Information, Agency of Digital ServicesH.480 - An act relating to property valuation and reappraisals
Abby Shepard, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative CounselH.480 - An act relating to property valuation and reappraisals
Abby Shepard, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative CounselH.480 - An act relating to property valuation and reappraisals
possible vote
Abby Shepard, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative CounselH.480 - An act relating to property valuation and reappraisals
Walk-through and possible vote
Abby Shepard, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative CounselH.480 - An act relating to property valuation and reappraisals
Possible vote
H.480 - An act relating to property valuation and reappraisals
Amendment Walk-through and possible vote
Abby Shepard, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative CounselH.480 - An act relating to property valuation and reappraisals
House Appropriations Amendment
Rep. Robin Scheu, Reporter of the Bill, House Committee on AppropriationsH.480 - An act relating to property valuation and reappraisals
Introduction and Walk-through
Abby Shepard, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative CounselH.480 - An act relating to property valuation and reappraisals
Julia Richter, Fiscal Analyst, Joint Fiscal OfficeH.480 - An act relating to property valuation and reappraisals
Rebecca Sameroff, Deputy Commissioner, Department of TaxesH.480 - An act relating to property valuation and reappraisals
Stacey Bradley, Chairperson, Hartland Board of ListersH.480 - An act relating to property valuation and reappraisals
Committee Discussion
H.480 - An act relating to property valuation and reappraisals
Walk-through of New Draft
Abby Shepard, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative CounselH.480 - An act relating to property valuation and reappraisals
Testimony, Mark-up, and Possible Vote
Rebecca Sameroff, Deputy Commissioner, Department of TaxesH.480 - An act relating to property valuation and reappraisals
Testimony and Mark-up
Abby Shepard, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative CounselH.480 - An act relating to property valuation and reappraisals
Abby Shepard, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative CounselH.480 - An act relating to property valuation and reappraisals
Abby Shepard, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative CounselH.480 - An act relating to property valuation and reappraisals
Abby Shepard, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative CounselH.480 - An act relating to property valuation and reappraisals
Discussion and vote
Abby Shepard, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative CounselH.480 - An act relating to property valuation and reappraisals
Committee Discussion and Possible Vote
Sen. Ruth HardyH.480 - An act relating to property valuation and reappraisals
Abby Shepard, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative CounselH.480 - An act relating to property valuation and reappraisals