Sponsors: Rep. Kevin Christie , Rep. Peter Anthony, Rep. Elizabeth Burrows, Rep. R. Scott Campbell, Rep. Martha Feltus, Rep. Lori Houghton, Rep. William Notte, Rep. Brian Savage, Rep. Heidi Scheuermann, Rep. Katherine Sims, Rep. Linda Sullivan, Rep. Tommy Walz, Rep. Theresa Wood
Location: House Committee on Education
Last Recorded Action: 1/20/2021 - Read First Time and referred to the Committee on Education
H.91 - An act relating to the suspension and review of the statewide finance and financial data management system
Bill Introduction and Walk Through
Rep. Kevin "Coach" Christie, Sponsor, House Committee on JudiciaryH.91 - An act relating to the suspension and review of the statewide finance and financial data management system
Agency of Education
Bill Bates, Chief Financial Officer, Agency of EducationH.91 - An act relating to the suspension and review of the statewide finance and financial data management system
Ron H.R. Smith, CPA, CFE, Managing Partner, RHR Smith & CompanyH.91 - An act relating to the suspension and review of the statewide finance and financial data management system
Committee Discussion
H.91 - An act relating to the suspension and review of the statewide finance and financial data management system
Michelle Baker, Business Manager, Vermont Association of School Business OfficialsH.91 - An act relating to the suspension and review of the statewide finance and financial data management system
Bill Bates, Chief Financial Officer, Agency of Education