
An act relating to regulating cosmetic products containing certain chemicals and chemical classes

Sponsors: Rep. Dane Whitman , Rep. Peter Anthony, Rep. Tiffany Bluemle, Rep. Jessica Brumsted, Rep. R. Scott Campbell, Rep. Sara Coffey, Rep. Mari Cordes, Rep. Katherine "Kari" Dolan, Rep. David Durfee, Rep. Caleb Elder, Rep. Lori Houghton, Rep. Stephanie Jerome, Rep. James Masland, Rep. Michael Mrowicki, Rep. Logan Nicoll, Rep. Daniel Noyes, Rep. Carol Ode, Rep. Kelly Pajala, Rep. Barbara Rachelson, Rep. Robin Scheu, Rep. Amy Sheldon, Rep. Taylor Small, Rep. Rebecca White, Rep. Theresa Wood, Rep. David Yacovone

Location: House Committee on Human Services

Last Recorded Action: 1/18/2022 - Read First Time and referred to the Committee on Human Services

Committee Activity - Witnesses Who Testified

Regular Session 2021-2022