
An act relating to public schools’ or public postsecondary schools’ mascots, nicknames, logos, letterhead, and team names

Sponsors: Rep. William Notte, Rep. Emma Mulvaney-Stanak , Rep. Peter Anthony, Rep. Tiffany Bluemle, Rep. Michelle Bos-Lun, Rep. Elizabeth Burrows, Rep. Kevin Christie, Rep. Brian Cina, Rep. Sara Coffey, Rep. Selene Colburn, Rep. Harold "Hal" Colston, Rep. Mari Cordes, Rep. Katherine "Kari" Dolan, Rep. Caleb Elder, Rep. Stephanie Jerome, Rep. John Killacky, Rep. James Masland, Rep. Kristi Morris, Rep. Michael Mrowicki, Rep. Logan Nicoll, Rep. Taylor Small, Rep. Heather Surprenant, Rep. Joseph "Chip" Troiano, Rep. Tanya Vyhovsky, Rep. Rebecca White, Rep. Theresa Wood, Rep. Michael Yantachka

Location: House Committee on Education

Last Recorded Action: 1/14/2022 - Read First Time and referred to the Committee on Education

Committee Activity - Meeting Full List

Regular Session 2021-2022

No meeting history found for H.641 in the Regular Session 2021-2022.