Sponsors: Rep. R. Scott Campbell , Rep. Peter Anthony, Rep. Sarah "Sarita" Austin, Rep. John Bartholomew, Rep. Michelle Bos-Lun, Rep. Sara Coffey, Rep. Selene Colburn, Rep. Mari Cordes, Rep. Karen Dolan, Rep. Caleb Elder, Rep. Michael Mrowicki, Rep. Emma Mulvaney-Stanak, Rep. Carol Ode, Rep. Avram Patt, Rep. Robin Scheu, Rep. Katherine Sims, Rep. Tanya Vyhovsky, Rep. Rebecca White, Rep. Michael Yantachka
Location: House Committee on Corrections and Institutions
Last Recorded Action: 1/13/2022 - Read First Time and referred to the Committee on Corrections and Institutions
H.600 - An act relating to heating and cooling systems owned or controlled by the State
Rep. R. Scott Campbell, SponsorH.600 - An act relating to heating and cooling systems owned or controlled by the State
Rebecca Wasserman, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative CounselH.600 - An act relating to heating and cooling systems owned or controlled by the State
Weigh-in by Department of Buildings and General Services
Brian Sewell, State Energy Management Program Coordinator, Department of Buildings and General ServicesH.600 - An act relating to heating and cooling systems owned or controlled by the State
Weigh-in by Forests, Parks and Recreation
Michael Snyder, Commissioner, Department of Forest, Parks and RecreationH.600 - An act relating to heating and cooling systems owned or controlled by the State
Weigh-in by Agency of Transportation
Brad McAvoy, Senior Facilities Manager, Agency of TransportationH.600 - An act relating to heating and cooling systems owned or controlled by the State
Committee Discussion