An act relating to rural economic development
Rep. Charles Kimbell
Rep. Matthew Birong, Rep. Erin Brady, Rep. Elizabeth Burrows, Rep. Sara Coffey, Rep. Peter Conlon, Rep. Martha Feltus, Rep. Leslie Goldman, Rep. James Gregoire, Rep. James Harrison, Rep. Stephanie Jerome, Rep. Paul Lefebvre, Rep. Logan Nicoll, Rep. Terry Norris, Rep. Daniel Noyes, Rep. Kelly Pajala, Rep. Henry Pearl, Rep. Lucy Rogers, Rep. Carl Rosenquist, Rep. Patrick Seymour, Rep. Laura Sibilia, Rep. Katherine Sims, Rep. Gabrielle Stebbins, Rep. Heather Surprenant, Rep. Kirk White, Rep. Theresa Wood, Rep. David Yacovone, Rep. Michael Yantachka
Location: House Committee on Natural Resources, Fish, and Wildlife
Last Recorded Action: 1/12/2022 - Read First Time and referred to the Committee on Natural Resources, Fish, and Wildlife
Committee Activity - Witnesses Who Testified
Regular Session 2021-2022
House Committee on Agriculture and Forestry
- Chris Campany, Executive Director, Windham Regional Commission
- Steven Collier, General Counsel, Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets
- Ellen Czajkowski, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Counsel
- Ellen Czajkowski, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Counsel
- Kevin Geiger, Senior Planner, Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission
- Todd Heyman, Owner, Fat Sheep Farm and Cabins
- Karen Horn, Director, Public Policy & Advocacy, Vermont League of Cities and Towns
- Rep. Charles Kimbell, Sponsor
- Rep. Charles Kimbell, Sponsor, House Committee on Commerce and Economic Development
- Joseph Tisbert, President, Vermont Farm Bureau