
An act relating to trail accessibility

Sponsors: Rep. Elizabeth Burrows , Rep. Lynn Batchelor, Rep. Tiffany Bluemle, Rep. Michelle Bos-Lun, Rep. Jessica Brumsted, Rep. Brian Cina, Rep. James Harrison, Rep. Mary Howard, Rep. John Killacky, Rep. James Masland, Rep. James McCullough, Rep. Carol Ode, Rep. Woodman Page, Rep. Kelly Pajala, Rep. Barbara Rachelson, Rep. Taylor Small, Rep. Heather Surprenant, Rep. Tanya Vyhovsky, Rep. Theresa Wood, Rep. David Yacovone, Rep. Michael Yantachka

Location: House Committee on Human Services

Last Recorded Action: 2/16/2021 - Read First Time and referred to the Committee on Human Services

Committee Activity - Witnesses Who Testified

Regular Session 2021-2022