Sponsors: Rep. Brian Cina , Rep. Erin Brady, Rep. Elizabeth Burrows, Rep. Kevin Christie, Rep. Selene Colburn, Rep. Harold "Hal" Colston, Rep. Mari Cordes, Rep. Anne Donahue, Rep. Lori Houghton, Rep. Kathleen James, Rep. William Lippert, Rep. Kristi Morris, Rep. Emma Mulvaney-Stanak, Rep. Ann Pugh, Rep. Taylor Small, Rep. Heather Surprenant, Rep. Tanya Vyhovsky
Last Recorded Action: 5/19/2021 - House message: Governor approved bill on May 18, 2021
H.210 - An act relating to addressing disparities and promoting equity in the health care system
Bill Introduction, Walk-through, and Witness Testimony
Rep. Brian Cina, SponsorH.210 - An act relating to addressing disparities and promoting equity in the health care system
Heidi Klein, Director of Planning and Health Care Quality, Department of HealthH.210 - An act relating to addressing disparities and promoting equity in the health care system
This Testimony will Include a Break from 10:05-10:20am
Maria Mercedes Avila, Member, Governor's Task Force on Racial EquityH.210 - An act relating to addressing disparities and promoting equity in the health care system
Michael Fisher, Chief Health Care Advocate, Office of the Health Care Advocate, Vermont Legal AidH.210 - An act relating to addressing disparities and promoting equity in the health care system
This testimony will include a Break from 10:00-10:15
Mike Bensel, Executive Director, Pride Center of VermontH.210 - An act relating to addressing disparities and promoting equity in the health care system
Jessa Barnard, Executive Director, Vermont Medical SocietyH.210 - An act relating to addressing disparities and promoting equity in the health care system
Laurie Emerson, Executive Director, National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) of VermontH.210 - An act relating to addressing disparities and promoting equity in the health care system
Judy Dow, Executive Director, GedakinaH.210 - An act relating to addressing disparities and promoting equity in the health care system
Wilda White, Founder, MadFreedomH.210 - An act relating to addressing disparities and promoting equity in the health care system
Committee Discussion
Katie McLinn, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative CounselH.210 - An act relating to addressing disparities and promoting equity in the health care system
Committee Discussion
Katie McLinn, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative CounselH.210 - An act relating to addressing disparities and promoting equity in the health care system
Final Committee Discussion and Possible Vote
H.210 - An act relating to addressing disparities and promoting equity in the health care system
Committee Discussion and Possible Vote
H.210 - An act relating to addressing disparities and promoting equity in the health care system
Appropriation Proposal -- this is NOT a bill review
Rep. William J. Lippert, Chair, House Committee on Health CareH.210 - An act relating to addressing disparities and promoting equity in the health care system
Rep. William J. Lippert, Chair, House Committee on Health CareH.210 - An act relating to addressing disparities and promoting equity in the health care system
Committee Discussion/Vote
H.210 - An act relating to addressing disparities and promoting equity in the health care system
Committee discussion and vote on Christie Amendment
Katie McLinn, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative CounselH.210 - An act relating to addressing disparities and promoting equity in the health care system
Rep. William J. Lippert, Reporter, House Committee on Health CareH.210 - An act relating to addressing disparities and promoting equity in the health care system
Marissa Coleman, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Senior Advisor, University of Vermont Medical CenterH.210 - An act relating to addressing disparities and promoting equity in the health care system
Testimony and mark-up
Katie McLinn, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative CounselH.210 - An act relating to addressing disparities and promoting equity in the health care system
Discussion, vote
Katie McLinn, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative CounselH.210 - An act relating to addressing disparities and promoting equity in the health care system
Sen. Ruth HardyH.210 - An act relating to addressing disparities and promoting equity in the health care system
H.210 - An act relating to addressing disparities and promoting equity in the health care system
Update and status
H.210 - An act relating to addressing disparities and promoting equity in the health care system
Committe discussion and possible vote