Sponsors: Rep. Amy Sheldon, Rep. James McCullough , Rep. Katherine "Kari" Dolan
Location: House Committee on Natural Resources, Fish, and Wildlife
Last Recorded Action: 2/2/2021 - Read First Time and referred to the Committee on Natural Resources, Fish, and Wildlife
H.167 - An act relating to establishment of the Environmental Stewardship Board
Michael O'Grady, Deputy Chief Counsel, Office of Legislative CounselH.167 - An act relating to establishment of the Environmental Stewardship Board
David Mears, Vice President and Executive Director, Audubon VermontH.167 - An act relating to establishment of the Environmental Stewardship Board
Michael Haas, Member, Vermont Wild Life Coalition's Advisory BoardH.167 - An act relating to establishment of the Environmental Stewardship Board
Charles Storrow, Lobbyist, Vermont Wildlife CoalitionH.167 - An act relating to establishment of the Environmental Stewardship Board
Chris S. Bradley, President, Vermont Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs