An act relating to updates to Act 250
Rep. Amy Sheldon, Rep. James McCullough, Rep. Katherine "Kari" Dolan
Location: House Committee on Natural Resources, Fish, and Wildlife
Last Recorded Action: 1/26/2021 - Read First Time and referred to the Committee on Natural Resources, Fish, and Wildlife
Committee Activity - Witnesses Who Testified
Regular Session 2021-2022
House Committee on Natural Resources, Fish, and Wildlife
- Greg Boulbol, General Counsel, Natural Resources Board
- Elizabeth Courtney, Retired Executive Director, Vermont Natural Resources Council
- Ellen Czajkowski, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Counsel
- Rob Evans, Rivers Programs Manager, Department of Environmental Conservation
- Jon Groveman, Policy and Water Program Director, Vermont Natural Resources Council
- Beth Humstone, Urban Planner, Vermont Natural Resources Council
- Seth Jenson, Principal Planner, Lamoille County Planning Commission
- Stephanie Kaplan, Retired Act 250 Attorney, Montpelier
- Sharon Murray, Rep., Vermont Planners Association
- Pat O'Brien, project Developer, SD Ireland Co.
- Lauren Oates, Climate & Energy Policy Manager, The Nature Conservancy
- Rep. Amy Sheldon, Sponsor
- Brian Shupe, Executive Director, Vermont Natural Resources Council
- Diane Snelling, Chair, Natural Resources Board/Act 250