H.210 (Act 33)

An act relating to addressing disparities and promoting equity in the health care system

Sponsors: Rep. Brian Cina , Rep. Erin Brady, Rep. Elizabeth Burrows, Rep. Kevin Christie, Rep. Selene Colburn, Rep. Harold "Hal" Colston, Rep. Mari Cordes, Rep. Anne Donahue, Rep. Lori Houghton, Rep. Kathleen James, Rep. William Lippert, Rep. Kristi Morris, Rep. Emma Mulvaney-Stanak, Rep. Ann Pugh, Rep. Taylor Small, Rep. Heather Surprenant, Rep. Tanya Vyhovsky

Last Recorded Action: 5/19/2021 - House message: Governor approved bill on May 18, 2021

Committee Activity - Meeting Full List

Regular Session 2021-2022

Wednesday, February 10, 2021
House Committee on Health Care
10:30 AM

H.210 - An act relating to addressing disparities and promoting equity in the health care system

Bill Introduction, Walk-through, and Witness Testimony

Rep. Brian Cina, Sponsor
Katie McLinn, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Counsel
Christine Hughes, Member, Vermont Racial Justice Alliance
Mayumi Cornell, Member - Steering Committee, Vermont Racial Justice Alliance
Roy V Hill II, Member, Vermont Racial Justice Alliance
Christopher Cockrell, Member, Vermont Racial Justice Foundation
Pat Autilio, Data Analyst, Vermont Racial Justice Alliance
Mark Hughes, Member, Vermont Racial Justice Alliance

Wednesday, February 17, 2021
House Committee on Health Care
9:00 AM

H.210 - An act relating to addressing disparities and promoting equity in the health care system

Heidi Klein, Director of Planning and Health Care Quality, Department of Health
Nolan Langweil, Senior Fiscal Analyst, Joint Fiscal Office

Wednesday, February 24, 2021
House Committee on Health Care
9:00 AM

H.210 - An act relating to addressing disparities and promoting equity in the health care system

This Testimony will Include a Break from 10:05-10:20am

Maria Mercedes Avila, Member, Governor's Task Force on Racial Equity
3:00 PM

H.210 - An act relating to addressing disparities and promoting equity in the health care system

Michael Fisher, Chief Health Care Advocate, Office of the Health Care Advocate, Vermont Legal Aid

Thursday, February 25, 2021
House Committee on Health Care
9:00 AM

H.210 - An act relating to addressing disparities and promoting equity in the health care system

This testimony will include a Break from 10:00-10:15

Mike Bensel, Executive Director, Pride Center of Vermont
Dana Kaplan, Executive Director, Outright Vermont
Xusana Davis, Executive Director of Racial Equity and Chair of the Governor's Task Force on Racial Equality, Agency of Administration

Friday, February 26, 2021
House Committee on Health Care
11:00 AM

H.210 - An act relating to addressing disparities and promoting equity in the health care system

Jessa Barnard, Executive Director, Vermont Medical Society
1:30 PM

H.210 - An act relating to addressing disparities and promoting equity in the health care system

Laurie Emerson, Executive Director, National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) of Vermont
Sarah Launderville, Executive Director, Vermont Center for Independent Living
A.J. Ruben, Supervising Attorney, Disability Rights Vermont

Wednesday, March 10, 2021
House Committee on Health Care
8:30 AM

H.210 - An act relating to addressing disparities and promoting equity in the health care system

Judy Dow, Executive Director, Gedakina
Don Stevens, Chief, Nulhegan Band of the Coosuk-Abenaki Nation
Beverly Little Thunder, Member, Earth Walk Board and Standing Rock Lakota Tribe
Andrea Brett, Chair, Racial Equity Advisory Panel
11:00 AM

H.210 - An act relating to addressing disparities and promoting equity in the health care system

Wilda White, Founder, MadFreedom

Thursday, March 11, 2021
House Committee on Health Care
15 min after Floor

H.210 - An act relating to addressing disparities and promoting equity in the health care system

Committee Discussion

Katie McLinn, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Counsel

Friday, March 12, 2021
House Committee on Health Care
after Floor

H.210 - An act relating to addressing disparities and promoting equity in the health care system

Committee Discussion

Katie McLinn, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Counsel
Xusana Davis, Executive Director of Racial Equity and Chair of the Governor's Task Force on Racial Equality, Agency of Administration
2:30 PM

H.210 - An act relating to addressing disparities and promoting equity in the health care system

Final Committee Discussion and Possible Vote

3:25 PM

H.210 - An act relating to addressing disparities and promoting equity in the health care system

Committee Discussion and Possible Vote

Friday, March 12, 2021
House Committee on Appropriations
1:00 PM

H.210 - An act relating to addressing disparities and promoting equity in the health care system

Appropriation Proposal -- this is NOT a bill review

Rep. William J. Lippert, Chair, House Committee on Health Care

Tuesday, March 16, 2021
House Committee on Appropriations
1:15 PM

H.210 - An act relating to addressing disparities and promoting equity in the health care system

Rep. William J. Lippert, Chair, House Committee on Health Care
Katie McLinn, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Counsel
Nolan Langweil, Senior Fiscal Analyst, Joint Fiscal Office

Friday, March 19, 2021
House Committee on Appropriations
11:00 AM

H.210 - An act relating to addressing disparities and promoting equity in the health care system

Committee Discussion/Vote

Thursday, March 25, 2021
House Committee on Health Care
1:00 PM

H.210 - An act relating to addressing disparities and promoting equity in the health care system

Committee discussion and vote on Christie Amendment

Katie McLinn, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Counsel
Rep. Kevin "Coach" Christie, Sponsor, House Committee on Judiciary

Thursday, April 1, 2021
Senate Committee on Health and Welfare
10:00 AM

H.210 - An act relating to addressing disparities and promoting equity in the health care system

Rep. William J. Lippert, Reporter, House Committee on Health Care
Katie McLinn, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Counsel
Nolan Langweil, Senior Fiscal Analyst, Joint Fiscal Office
Xusana Davis, Executive Director of Racial Equity and Chair of the Governor's Task Force on Racial Equality, Agency of Administration

Friday, April 16, 2021
Senate Committee on Health and Welfare
11:00 AM

H.210 - An act relating to addressing disparities and promoting equity in the health care system


Marissa Coleman, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Senior Advisor, University of Vermont Medical Center

Thursday, April 22, 2021
Senate Committee on Health and Welfare
9:00 AM

H.210 - An act relating to addressing disparities and promoting equity in the health care system

Testimony and mark-up

Katie McLinn, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Counsel
Hillary Wolfley, Associate Director, Vermont Program for Quality in Health Care, Inc. (VPQHC)
Catherine Fulton, Executive Director, Vermont Program for Quality in Health Care, Inc. (VPQHC)
Wichie Artu, Vice President, NAACP - Windham County
Joanne Crawford, Member, Abenaki Nation
Mark Hughes, Executive Director, Vermont Racial Justice Alliance
Kirsten Murphy, Executive Director, Vermont Developmental Disabilities Council
Max Barrows, Outreach Director, Green Mountain Self Advocates
Kiah Morris, Movement Politics Director, Rights and Democracy Vermont

Friday, April 23, 2021
Senate Committee on Health and Welfare
9:45 AM

H.210 - An act relating to addressing disparities and promoting equity in the health care system

Discussion, vote

Katie McLinn, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Counsel
Nolan Langweil, Senior Fiscal Analyst, Joint Fiscal Office

Friday, April 23, 2021
Senate Committee on Appropriations
2:00 PM

H.210 - An act relating to addressing disparities and promoting equity in the health care system

Sen. Ruth Hardy
Katie McLinn, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Counsel

Tuesday, April 27, 2021
Senate Committee on Appropriations
1:30 PM

H.210 - An act relating to addressing disparities and promoting equity in the health care system

Tuesday, April 27, 2021
House Committee on Health Care

H.210 - An act relating to addressing disparities and promoting equity in the health care system

Update and status

Thursday, May 6, 2021
House Committee on Health Care
11:45 AM

H.210 - An act relating to addressing disparities and promoting equity in the health care system

Committe discussion and possible vote