An act relating to establishing the Municipal Self-Governance Program
Sen. Jeanette White
Location: House Committee on Government Operations
Last Recorded Action: 4/5/2019 - Read First Time and Referred to the Committee on Government Operations
Committee Activity - Witnesses Who Testified
Regular Session 2019-2020
Senate Committee on Government Operations
- Tucker Anderson, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Counsel
- Jared Cadwell, Selectboard Chair, Fayston
- Maura Carroll, Executive Director, Vermont League of Cities and Towns
- Teri Corsones, Chair, Mendon Planning Commission
- Chris D'Elia, President, Vermont Bankers' Association
- Peter Elwell, Town Manager, Brattleboro
- Paul Giuliani, Counsel, Primmer Piper and Eggleston Cramer PC
- Karen Horn, Director, Public Policy & Advocacy, Vermont League of Cities and Towns
- Evan Hughes, Lobbyist, Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs
- Andrew MacLean, MMR
- Tim Meehan, Lobbyist, Vermont Coalition of Sportsmen's Clubs
- Chris Rice, Lobbyist
- Chris Rice, Lobbyist, MMR
- Erin Sigrist, President, Vermont Retail & Grocers Association
- Scott Woodward, Selectboard, Pomfret
- Gwynn Zakov, Municipal Policy Advocate, Vermont League of Cities and Towns