Last Recorded Action: 9/25/2020 - House message: Governor approved bill on October 2, 2020
H.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Overview and discussion
Susanne Young, Secretary of Administration, Agency of AdministrationH.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Budget Review - JT w/House Committee on Ways & Means
Adam Greshin, Commissioner, Department of Finance & ManagementH.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Military - JT w/House General, Military & General Affairs
Gregory C. Knight, Adjutant General, Vermont National GuardH.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Agency of Education - JT w/House Committee on Education
Daniel French, Secretary, Agency of EducationH.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Committee discussion
H.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Agency of Human Services - Secretary's Office
Mike Smith, Secretary, Agency of Human ServicesH.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Agency of Human Services - Department of Mental Health
Sarah Squirrell, Commissioner, Department of Mental HealthH.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Agency of Human Services - DVHA
Cory Gustafson, Commissioner, Department of Vermont Health Access (DVHA)H.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Agency of Human Services - Central Office - W/House Committee on Human Services
Michael K. Smith, Secretary, Agency of Human ServicesH.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Agency of Digital Services - JT w/House Committee on Energy & Technology
John Quinn, Secretary, Agency of Digital ServicesH.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Department of Buildings & General Services - JT w/House Committee on Corrections & Institutions
Chris Cole, Commissioner, Department of Buildings and General ServicesH.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Vermont State Colleges - JT w/House Committee on Education
Sophie Zdatny, Chancellor, Vermont State CollegesH.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Department for Children & Families - JT w/House Committee on Human Services
Sean Brown, Commissioner, Department for Children and FamiliesH.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
VT Department of Health - JT W/House Committee on Human Services
Mark Levine, Commissioner, Vermont Department of HealthH.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Department of Mental Health - JT W/House Committee on Health Care
Sarah Squirrell, Commissioner, Department of Mental HealthH.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Department of Public Safety - JT w/House Committee on Government Operations
Michael Schirling, Commissioner, Department of Public SafetyH.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Beth Pearce, State Treasurer, Office of the State TreasurerH.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Agency of Human Services - Department of Health
Mark Levine, Commissioner, Vermont Department of HealthH.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Agency of Human Services - Department of Corrections
James Baker, Commissioner, Department of CorrectionsH.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Department of Vermont Health Access - JT W/House Committee on Health Care
Cory Gustafson, Commissioner, Department of Vermont Health Access (DVHA)H.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Department of Corrections- JT W/House Committee on Corrections & Institutions
James Baker, Commissioner, Department of CorrectionsH.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
DDAIL - JT W/House Committee on Human Services
Monica Caserta Hutt, Commissioner, Department of Disabilities, Aging and Independent LivingH.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Department of Labor - JT w/House Committee on Commerce & Economic Development
Michael Harrington, Commissioner, Department of LaborH.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Agency of Human Services - DAIL
Monica Caserta Hutt, Commissioner, Department of Disabilities, Aging and Independent LivingH.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Agency of Human Services - Department for Children and Families
Sean Brown, Commissioner, Department for Children and FamiliesH.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
FY21 Base Budget
Stephen Klein, Chief Legislative Fiscal Officer, Joint Fiscal OfficeH.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Review of Language
Matt Riven, Deputy Commissioner, Department of Finance & ManagementH.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Committee Discussion
H.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Agency of Agriculture - JT W/House Committee on Agriculture
Anson Tebbetts, Secretary, Agency of Agriculture, Food and MarketsH.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Review of Language - Committee Discussion
H.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Agency of Commerce - JT W/House Commerce
Lindsay Kurrle, Secretary, Agency of Commerce and Community DevelopmentH.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Committee Discussion
H.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
VHCB - JT W/House General, Housing & Military Affairs
Gus Seelig, Executive Director, Vermont Housing and Conservation BoardH.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Adam Greshin, Commissioner, Department of Finance & ManagementH.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Department of Buildings and General Services
Jennifer Fitch, Acting Commissioner, Buildings & General ServicesH.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Agency of Agriculture
Anson Tebbetts, Secretary, Agency of Agriculture, Food and MarketsH.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Agency of Digital Services
John Quinn, Secretary, Agency of Digital ServicesH.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Committee Discussion
H.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Mark-up - Discussion
H.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Committee Discussion
H.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Mark-up - discussion
H.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Attorney General - Diversion
T.J. Donovan, Vermont Attorney General, Attorney General's OfficeH.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
H.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Higher Education
Sophie Zdatny, Chancellor, Vermont State CollegesH.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Department of Labor
Michael Harrington, Commissioner, Department of LaborH.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Committee Discussion
H.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Joint Public Hearing with Senate Committee on Appropriations
Beth Walsh, CambridgeH.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Agency of Education
Dan French, Secretary, Agency of EducationH.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Department of Public Service
June Tierney, Commissioner, Department of Public ServiceH.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Joint Public Hearing with House Appropriations
H.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Committee Discussion
H.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Public Hearing - JT w/Senate Committee on Appropriations
Michael Kiey, Testimony Read into the record, WillistonH.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Committee Discussion - Mark-Up
H.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
committee discussion
H.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Joint Public Hearing with House Appropriations
H.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Agency of Commerce and Community Development
Lindsay Kurrle, Secretary, Agency of Commerce and Community DevelopmentH.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
B.1100a.3. - Language Review
Xusana Davis, Executive Director of Racial Equity, Agency of Administration; and Chair of the Governor's Task Force on Racial EqualityH.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Mark-Up and Committee Discussion
H.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Committee Discussion
H.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Mark-up and Discussion
H.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
DMV Technology Project Explanation/Cost
Anthony Falcos, Director of Enforcement & Safety, Department of Motor VehicleH.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
VT State Colleges Financial Construct
Stephen Klein, Chief Legislative Fiscal Officer, Joint Fiscal OfficeH.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Michael Schirling, Commissioner, Department of Public SafetyH.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
CRF Spending Discussion
H.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
VSEA language review
BetsyAnn Wrask, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative CounselH.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Beth Pearce, State Treasurer, Office of the State TreasurerH.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Discussion and Mark-Up
H.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Mark-up and Discussion
H.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Vermont Housing and Conservation Board
Gus Seelig, Executive Director, Vermont Housing and Conservation BoardH.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Restatement Budget - Equity Payment
Xusana Davis, Executive Director of Racial Equity, Agency of Administration; and Chair of the Governor's Task Force on Racial Equality, Agency of AdministrationH.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Department of Taxes
Craig Bolio, Commissioner, VT Department of TaxesH.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Walk through
Stephanie Barrett, Associate Fiscal Officer, Joint Fiscal OfficeH.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Language: convening, organizing, and holding sessions in 21-22
BetsyAnn Wrask, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative CounselH.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Committee Discussion
H.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
House Transportation Recommendations
Rep. Timothy R. Corcoran, House Committee on TransportationH.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Language: Legislative Space
Rebecca Wasserman, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative CounselH.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Committee Discussion
H.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Mark-Up and Discussion
H.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Mark Up and Discussion
H.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Mark-Up and Discussion
H.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Review and discussion
Stephanie Barrett, Associate Fiscal Officer, Joint Fiscal OfficeH.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Review of Draft Bill
H.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Committee Discussion - Vote
H.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
H.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Technical Amendments
H.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Catherine Benham, Associate Fiscal Officer, Joint Fiscal OfficeH.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
H.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Members' Amendments - 3rd reading
Rep. Timothy Briglin, Thetford CenterH.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Policy Committee Memo
Rep. Anne B. Donahue, House Committee on Health CareH.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Transportation Language
Anthea Dexter-Cooper, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative CounselH.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Transportation Language
Michele Boomhower, Director, Policy, Planning & Intermodal Dev. Div., Agency of TransportationH.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Committee discussion
Stephanie Barrett, Associate Fiscal Officer, Joint Fiscal OfficeH.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Committee discussion
Jennifer Carbee, Deputy Chief Counsel, Office of Legislative CounselH.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Committee discussion
H.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Committee discussion
H.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Administrations Policy Observations
Adam Greshin, Commissioner, Department of Finance & ManagementH.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Committee discussion
Stephanie Barrett, Associate Fiscal Officer, Joint Fiscal OfficeH.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Committee discussion and possible vote
Stephanie Barrett, Associate Fiscal Officer, Joint Fiscal OfficeH.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Review of CRF Senate Actions
Maria Belliveau, Associate Fiscal Officer, Joint Fiscal OfficeH.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Proposed amendment discussion
Sen. Becca Balint, Windham CountyH.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Review proposals of amendments
H.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Update on Education Changes Proposed by the Senate
James DesMarais, Legislative CounselH.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Review of Senate Highlights
H.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Review of the Senate Proposal of Amendment
H.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Senate Proposal of Amendment
Jennifer Carbee, Deputy Chief Counsel, Office of Legislative CounselH.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Committee Discussion
H.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Reactions to the Education Sections of the Budget Approved by the Senate
Chloe Wexler, Fiscal Data Analyst, Joint Fiscal OfficeH.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Tax policy
Education Finance
H.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Senate Proposal
Catherine Benham, Associate Fiscal Officer, Joint Fiscal OfficeH.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Committee of Conference
Live streamed here
An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government -
8:00 AMH.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Committee Discussion
H.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government
Conference Committee Report
H.969 - An act relating to making appropriations for the support of government