Sponsors: Rep. Timothy Briglin, Rep. Robin Chesnut-Tangerman, Rep. Laura Sibilia , Rep. Mollie Burke, Rep. Sara Coffey, Rep. Peter Conlon, Rep. Charles "Chip" Conquest, Rep. Lawrence Cupoli, Rep. John Gannon, Rep. Diana Gonzalez, Rep. Sandy Haas, Rep. Nader Hashim, Rep. Benjamin Jickling, Rep. Charles Kimbell, Rep. Emilie Kornheiser, Rep. Emily Long, Rep. Curtis McCormack, Rep. Michael Mrowicki, Rep. Kelly Pajala, Rep. Carolyn Partridge, Rep. Avram Patt, Rep. Charles "Butch" Shaw, Rep. Tristan Toleno, Rep. Matthew Trieber, Rep. Samuel Young
Location: House Committee on Energy and Technology
Last Recorded Action: 1/25/2019 - Read First Time and Referred to the Committee on Energy and Technology
H.95 - An act relating to electric companies and broadband Internet access service
Introductions and Walk-throughs
Rep. Laura Sibilia, Sponsor of BillH.95 - An act relating to electric companies and broadband Internet access service
John Flynn, Vice President of Strategic Business Development, VELCO