
An act relating to promoting tourism and marketing

Sponsors: Rep. Heidi Scheuermann , Rep. Patrick Brennan, Rep. James Carroll, Rep. Seth Chase, Rep. Sara Coffey, Rep. Katherine "Kari" Dolan, Rep. Peter Fagan, Rep. Kenneth Goslant, Rep. Lisa Hango, Rep. James Harrison, Rep. Lori Houghton, Rep. Kathleen James, Rep. Stephanie Jerome, Rep. John Killacky, Rep. Charles Kimbell, Rep. Felisha Leffler, Rep. Patricia McCoy, Rep. Mary Morrissey, Rep. Carol Ode, Rep. Kelly Pajala, Rep. Laura Sibilia, Rep. Vicki Strong, Rep. Casey Toof, Rep. David Yacovone, Rep. Michael Yantachka

Location: House Committee on Commerce and Economic Development

Last Recorded Action: 1/15/2020 - Read First Time and Referred to the Committee on Commerce and Economic Development

Committee Activity - Meeting Full List

Regular Session 2019-2020

Wednesday, January 22, 2020
House Committee on Commerce and Economic Development
9:30 AM

H.705 - An act relating to promoting tourism and marketing

Rep. Heidi E. Scheuermann, Sponsor
David Hall, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Counsel

Tuesday, January 28, 2020
House Committee on Commerce and Economic Development
1:00 PM

H.705 - An act relating to promoting tourism and marketing

Doug Hoffer, State Auditor, State Auditor's Office
Ken Jones, Economic Research Analyst, Agency of Commerce and Community Development
James Stewart, Executive Director, Central Vermont Economic Development Corporation
Joan Goldstein, Commissioner, Department of Economic Development, Agency of Commerce and Community Development
Amy Spear, VP of Tourism, Vermont Chamber of Commerce
Heather Pelham, Commissioner, Department of Tourism and Marketing, Agency of Commerce and Community Development

Wednesday, January 29, 2020
House Committee on Commerce and Economic Development
15 Min after Floor

H.705 - An act relating to promoting tourism and marketing

Committee Discussion

Tom Kavet, Legislative Economist, Kavet, Rockler & Associates, LLC

Tuesday, February 4, 2020
House Committee on Commerce and Economic Development
1:00 PM

H.705 - An act relating to promoting tourism and marketing

James Stewart, Executive Director, Central Vermont Economic Development Corporation
Bill Jolley, Professor of Marketing, Norwich University
Amy Spear, VP of Tourism, Vermont Chamber of Commerce
Heather Pelham, Commissioner, Department of Tourism and Marketing, Agency of Commerce and Community Development
Jody Fried, Executive Director, Catamount Arts Council

Tuesday, February 11, 2020
House Committee on Commerce and Economic Development
9:00 AM

H.705 - An act relating to promoting tourism and marketing

David Hall, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Counsel
Heather Pelham, Commissioner, Department of Tourism and Marketing, Agency of Commerce and Community Development
1:00 PM

H.705 - An act relating to promoting tourism and marketing

Possible Vote.

David Hall, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Counsel