H.663 (Act 157)
An act relating to expanding access to contraceptives
Rep. Francis McFaun
Rep. Jessica Brumsted, Rep. Sandy Haas, Rep. Logan Nicoll, Rep. Daniel Noyes, Rep. Kelly Pajala, Rep. Ann Pugh, Rep. Carl Rosenquist, Rep. George Till, Rep. Theresa Wood, Rep. Marybeth Redmond
Last Recorded Action: 9/25/2020 - House message: Governor approved bill on October 5, 2020
Committee Activity - Witnesses Who Testified
Regular Session 2019-2020
House Committee on Education
- Libby Bonesteel, Superintendent of Schools, Montpelier Roxbury Public Schools
- Rep. Jessica Brumsted, House Committee On Human Services
- Jennifer Carbee, Deputy Chief Counsel, Office of Legislative Counsel
- Sue Ceglowski, Executive Director, Vermont School Boards Association
- Ted Fisher, Director of Communications and Legislative Affairs, Agency of Education
- Sen. Debbie Ingram, Sponsor
- Shayla Livingston, Public Health Policy Advisor, Department of Health
- Rep. Francis McFaun, House Committee On Human Services
- Jay Nichols, Executive Director, Vermont Principals' Association
House Committee on Government Operations
- Rep. Jessica Brumsted, House Committee On Human Services
- Gabriel Gilman, General Counsel, Office of Professional Regulation, Secretary of State's Office
House Committee on Human Services
- Rep. Sarah "Sarita" Austin, House Committee on Education
- Libby Bonesteel, Superintendent of Schools, Montpelier Roxbury Public Schools
- Jennifer Carbee, Deputy Chief Counsel, Office of Legislative Counsel
- Sue Ceglowski, Executive Director, Vermont School Boards Association
- Michael Fisher, Chief Health Care Advocate, Office of the Health Care Advocate, Vermont Legal Aid
- Ted Fisher, Director of Communications and Legislative Affairs, Agency of Education
- Barbara Frankowski, M.D., MPH, Prof. of Gen. Pediatrics & Adolescent Med., Dept. of Pediatrics, American Academy of Pediatrics, Vermont Chapter
- Susan Gretkowski, Senior Government Affairs Strategist, MVP Healthcare
- Nancy Hogue, Director of Pharmacy Services, Department of Vermont Health Access (DVHA)
- Sen. Debbie Ingram, Sponsor
- Nissa James, Director of Communications and Legislative Affairs, Department of Vermont Health Access (DVHA)
- Lucy Leriche, VP of Public Policy - Vermont, Planned Parenthood of Vermont
- Shayla Livingston, Public Health Policy Advisor, Department of Health
- Amy Minor, Superintendent of Schools, Colchester School District
- Jay Nichols, Executive Director, Vermont Principals' Association
- Falko Schilling, Advocacy Director, ACLU of Vermont
- Kim Swartz, Director of Reproductive Health, Vermont Department of Health
- Sara Teachout, Director, Government, Public and Media Relations, Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Vermont
- Sharon Toburg, Policy Analyst, Vermont Right to Life
- Alison Walker, Obstetrics and Gynecology Resident, University of Vermont Medical Center
- Chris Winters, Deputy Secretary, Secretary of State's Office
Senate Committee on Health and Welfare
- Rep. Jessica Brumsted, Reporter, House Committee On Human Services
- Jennifer Carbee, Deputy Chief Counsel, Office of Legislative Counsel
- Gabe Gilman, General Counsel, Secretary of State's Office
- Shayla Livingston, Public Health Policy Advisor, Department of Health
- Rep. Francis McFaun, Sponsor
- Jay Nichols, Executive Director, Vermont Principals' Association
- Stephanie Winters, Deputy Executive Director, Vermont Medical Society