An act relating to promoting technology-based economic development
Rep. Charles Kimbell
Location: House Committee on Commerce and Economic Development
Last Recorded Action: 1/10/2020 - Read First Time and Referred to the Committee on Commerce and Economic Development
Committee Activity - Witnesses Who Testified
Regular Session 2019-2020
House Committee on Commerce and Economic Development
- Richard Amore, Department of Housing & Community Development
- Ted Brady, Deputy Secretary, Agency of Commerce and Community Development
- Kyle Clark, Founder, Team Member, Beta Technologies
- Chris Cochran, Director of Community Planning & Revitalization, Housing and Community Development
- Bob Flint, Executive Director, Springfield Regional Development Corporation
- Christopher Gagne, President and Brewmaster, Hermit Thrush Brewery
- Joan Goldstein, Commissioner, Department of Economic Development
- Joan Goldstein, Commissioner, Department of Economic Development, Agency of Commerce and Community Development
- Nick Grimley, Director of Entrepreneurship & Tech Commercialization, Agency of Commerce and Community Development
- David Hall, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Counsel
- Paul Hines, Co-Founder, CEO, Packetized Energy
- Adam Knudsen, President, Dynapower
- Brett Long, Deputy Commissioner of Economic Development, Windham County Economic Development Program
- Ryan McDevitt, Chief Executive Officer, Benchmark Space Systems, Inc.
- Cassie Polhemus, Chief Executive Officer, Vermont Economic Development Authority
- Megan Sullivan, Executive Director, Vermont Economic Progress Council
House Committee on Ways and Means
- Joan Goldstein, Commissioner, Department of Economic Development, Agency of Commerce and Community Development
- David Hall, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Counsel