Sponsors: Rep. Mary Sullivan , Rep. Michael Yantachka
Location: House Committee on Energy and Technology
Last Recorded Action: 2/22/2019 - Read First Time and Referred to the Committee on Energy and Technology
H.366 - An act relating to simplifying the application and approval process for renewable energy projects
Luke Martland, Director and Chief Counsel, Office of Legislative CounselH.366 - An act relating to simplifying the application and approval process for renewable energy projects
Gregg Faber, Analyst, Public Utility CommissionH.366 - An act relating to simplifying the application and approval process for renewable energy projects
James Moore, Co-President and Founder, Sun CommonH.366 - An act relating to simplifying the application and approval process for renewable energy projects
Billy Coster, Director of Planning and Policy, Agency of Natural ResourcesH.366 - An act relating to simplifying the application and approval process for renewable energy projects
Ann Bishop, Operations Director, Public Utility Commission