An act relating to creating an automotive workforce training pilot program
Rep. Daniel Noyes
Rep. Jessica Brumsted, Rep. Matthew Hill
Location: House Committee on Transportation
Last Recorded Action: 4/11/2019 - Rep. O'Sullivan of Burlington moved that the committee on Commerce and Economic Development be relieved of the bill and that the same be committed to the committee on Transportation which was agreed to.
Committee Activity - Witnesses Who Testified
Regular Session 2019-2020
House Committee on Commerce and Economic Development
- Rep. Daniel Noyes, Sponsor
House Committee on Transportation
- Todd Bedard, Automotive Technology Instructor, Green Mountain Technology and Career Center
- Tricia Coates, Director of External & Governmental Affairs, Vermont State Colleges
- Rep. Harold "Hal" Colston
- George Dykstra, Auto Tech Education Director, Vermont Auto Dealers' Association
- Phil Kolling, Executive Director, SerVermont
- Amy Mattinat, President, Auto Craftsmen, Ltd.
- Stephen McKinstry, Automotive Technology Instructor, Central Vermont Career Center
- Marilyn Miller, Executive Director, Vehicle and Automotive Distributors Association
- Pat Moulton , President, Vermont Technical College
- Eileen Nooney, Director of Family and Community Support Services, Capstone Community Action
- Rep. Daniel Noyes, Sponsor
- Jennifer Pittsley, Director of Special Programs, Department of Motor Vehicles
- Jay Ramsey, Director, Career and Technical Education, Agency of Education
- Neil Schickner, Senior Fiscal Analyst, Joint Fiscal Office