
An act relating to increasing penalties for using a portable electronic device while operating a moving motor vehicle

Sponsors: Rep. Brian Smith, Rep. Martin LaLonde , Rep. Robert Bancroft, Rep. Lynn Batchelor, Rep. Patrick Brennan, Rep. Annmarie Christensen, Rep. Mari Cordes, Rep. Martha Feltus, Rep. Nader Hashim, Rep. Lori Houghton, Rep. Charles Kimbell, Rep. Michael Marcotte, Rep. Leland Morgan, Rep. Woodman Page, Rep. John Palasik, Rep. Carl Rosenquist, Rep. Brian Savage, Rep. Charles "Butch" Shaw, Rep. Joseph "Chip" Troiano, Rep. Tommy Walz

Location: House Committee on Transportation

Last Recorded Action: 2/5/2019 - Read First Time and Referred to the Committee on Transportation

Committee Activity - Witnesses Who Testified

Regular Session 2019-2020

House Committee on Transportation