An act relating to agreements not to compete
Rep. Martin LaLonde
Rep. Annmarie Christensen
Location: Senate Committee on Economic Development, Housing and General Affairs
Last Recorded Action: 2/14/2020 - Read 1st time & referred to Committee on Economic Development, Housing and General Affairs
Committee Activity - Witnesses Who Testified
Regular Session 2019-2020
House Committee on Commerce and Economic Development
- Anne Barrett, Owner, Anne Barrett Creative
- Richard Cassidy, Attorney, Rich Cassidy Law
- Judy Cheeseman, Resident, Colchester
- Jon Cone, President and Chief Technical Officer, Vermont PhotoInkjet, LLC and President of Cone Editions Press
- Jeff Couture, Executive Director, Vermont Technology Alliance
- Cairn Cross, Co-Founder, Fresh Tracks Capital
- Chris D'Elia, President, Vermont Bankers' Association
- Austin Davis, Government Affairs Manager, Lake Champlain Regional Chamber of Commerce
- Chris Delia, President, Vermont Bankers' Association
- Stephen Ellis, Chair, Labor and Employment Law Section, Vermont Bar Association
- John Franco, Attorney, John Franco Law
- Mark Heyman, General Counsel, Vermont Technology Alliance
- John Hollar, Attorney, Community Financial Services Group
- John Hollar, Attorney, Downs Rachlin Martin
- John Hollar, Lawyer, Downs Rachlin Martin
- John Hollar, Lobbyist, Community Financial Services Group
- John Hollar, Lobbyist, Vermont Insurance Agents Association, Community Financial Services Group
- Alan Kinney, Kinney Insurance Agency
- Rep. Martin LaLonde, Sponsor
- Damien Leonard, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Counsel
- Damien Leonard, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Counsel
- Michael Ly, CEO, Reconciled
- Charles Martin, Government Affairs Director, VT Chamber of Commerce
- Wendy Mays, Executive Director, Vermont Association of Broadcasters
- Marc Sherman, Vice Chair, Government Relations, Vermont Retail & Grocers Association
- Erin Sigrist, President, Vermont Retail & Grocers Association
- Mindy Sommers, Citizen
- Iris Sunj, Co-owner, Salon Vermont
- Gordon E. Troy, Attorney, Gordon E.R. Troy, PC
- Alexandra Vitale, Tour Manager, Discovery Bicycle Tours