H.589 (Act 116)
An act relating to hunting, fishing, and trapping
Rep. David Deen
Last Recorded Action: 5/6/2014 - Signed by Governor on May 5, 2014
Committee Activity - Witnesses Who Testified
2013 - 2014 Legislative Session
House Committee on Appropriations
- Patrick Berry, Commissioner, Department of Fish & Wildlife
- Rep. Mark Huntley, Reporter, House Committee on Fish, Wildlife and Water Resources
- Michael O'Grady, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
- Rep. Kate Webb, Vice Chair, House Committee on Fish, Wildlife and Water Resources
House Committee on Fish, Wildlife and Water Resources
- Patrick Berry, Commissioner, Department of Fish & Wildlife
- Roger Blake, Citizen
- JoAnne Bourbeau, Senior State Director - VT/NH, Humane Society of US
- Rep. David L. Deen, Westminster
- Rep. Anne B. Donahue, Northfeild
- Brenna Galdenzi, Intern Coordinator, Green Mountain Animal Defenders
- Catherine Gjessing, General Counsel, Department of Fish & Wildlife
- Evan Hughes, Legislative Liaison, Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs
- Rep. William F. Johnson, Canaan
- Peggy Larson, veterinarian
- Zachary Mauldin, Legislative Counsel
- Steve McLeod, Executive Director, Vermont Traditions Coalition
- Michael O'Grady, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
- Bill Pickens, President, Vermont Trappers Association
- Frank Stanley, Government Affairs Consultant, Vermont Traditions Coalition
- Rep. Teo Zagar, House Committee on Agriculture
Senate Committee on Natural Resources and Energy
- Patrick Berry, Commissioner, Department of Fish & Wildlife
- John Burditt, Sudbury
- Rep. David L. Deen, Chair, House Committee on Fish, Wildlife and Water Resources
- Brenna Galdenzi, Outreach & Event Coordinator , Green Mountain Animal Defenders
- Catherine Gjessing, General Counsel, Department of Fish & Wildlife
- Robert Ide, Commissioner, Department of Motor Vehicles
- Sen. Dick McCormack
- Sen. Alice W. Nitka
- Michael O'Grady, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council