H.226 (Act 55)
An act relating to the regulation of underground storage tanks
Rep. Michael Marcotte
Last Recorded Action: 5/15/2013 - Signed by Governor on 5/30/13
Committee Activity - Witnesses Who Testified
2013 - 2014 Legislative Session
House Committee on Appropriations
- Joe Choquette, Lobbyist, Vermont Petroleum Association
- Rep. Bob Krebs, Reporter, House Committee on Fish, Wildlife and Water Resources
- Nathan Lavery, Fiscal Analyst, Joint Fiscal Office
- Rep. Jim Masland, Reporter, House Committee on Ways and Means
- Elizabeth McDonald, Law Clerk, Office of Legislative Council
House Committee on Fish, Wildlife and Water Resources
- Matthew Chapman, Counsel, Department of Environmental Conservation
- Margaret Cheney, Norwich
- Joe Choquette, Lobbyist, Vermont Petroleum Association
- Chris D'Elia, President, Vermont Bankers' Association
- Catherine Dimitruk, Executive Director, Northwest Regional Planning Commission
- Jordan Gonda, Law Clerk, Office of Legislative Council
- Karen Horn, Director, Vermont League of Cities and Towns
- Nathan Lavery, Fiscal Analyst, Joint Fiscal Office
- Rep. Michael Marcotte, Sponsor, Town of Newport
- Rep. Jim Masland, House Committee on Ways and Means
- Rep. Jim Masland, Thetford
- Elizabeth McDonald, Law Clerk, Office of Legislative Council
- Michael O'Grady, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
- Laura Pelosi, Lobbyist, MacLean, Meehan and Rice
House Committee on Ways and Means
- Joe Choquette, Lobbyist, Vermont Petroleum Association
- Matt Cota, Lobbyist, Vermont Fuel Dealers Association
- Elizabeth McDonald, Law Clerk, Office of Legislative Council
- Chuck Schwer, Petroleum Cleanup Fund Manager, Department of Environmental Conservation
Senate Committee on Natural Resources and Energy
- Joe Choquette, Lobbyist, Vermont Petroleum Association
- Matt Cota, Lobbyist, Vermont Fuel Dealers Association
- Jordan Gonda, Law Clerk, Office of Legislative Council
- Jim Harrison, President, Vermont Grocers' Association
- Justin Johnson, Deputy Secretary, Agency of Natural Resources
- Chuck Schwer, Petroleum Cleanup Fund Manager, Department of Environmental Conservation