An act relating to shoreland protection requirements for lakes
Rep. David Deen
Location: House Committee on Fish, Wildlife and Water Resources
Last Recorded Action: 2/8/2013 - Read First Time and Referred to the Committee on Fish, Wildlife & Water Resources
Committee Activity - Witnesses Who Testified
2013 - 2014 Legislative Session
House Committee on Fish, Wildlife and Water Resources
- Jason Ahern, Lake Bomoseen
- Janice Aldrich, Citizen, East Montpelier
- Carolyn Bates, Photographer, Burlington
- Brian Bauer, Citizen, Middlebury
- Robert Beach , Owner, Basin Harbor Club
- Jonathan Blake, Citizen, Salisbury
- Tim Buskey, Administrator, Vermont Farm Bureau
- Libby Chapin, Citizen, Lake Fairlee
- Rep. David L. Deen, Westminster
- Retta Dunlap, Home School Parent, Woodbury
- Wayne Dunlop, Citizen, Woodbury
- Nick Ecker-Raez, Glover
- James Ehlers, Executive Director, Lake Champlain International
- Bob Fields, Citizen, Orwell
- Dawn Francis, Director of Government Affairs, Lake Champlain Chamber of Commerce
- Ginny Garrison, Citizen
- Ginny Garrison, Citizen, Hardwick
- Zak Geifer, Citizen, Montpelier
- Kim Greenwood, Water Program Director & Staff Scientist, Vermont Natural Resources Council
- Kim Greenwood, Water Program Director/Staff Scientist, Vermont Natural Resources Council
- Stephen Gutowski, Member, Point Bay Marina, Charlotte
- Mary Habaugh, Citizen, Montpelier
- Jessie Hallor, Citizen, Ripton
- Eric Hanson, Vermont Center for Ecostudies
- Jack Helm, Citizen, Benson
- Don Hendrich, Citizen, Hardwick
- Dan Homeier, Legislative Intern, Agency of Natural Resources
- Karen Horn, Director, Vermont League of Cities and Towns
- Anthony Iarrapino, Attorney, Conservation Law Foundation
- Anthony Iarrapino, Clean Water Advocate, Conservation Law Foundation
- Doug Johnston, Member, Lake Hortonia Property Owners Association
- Douglas Johnston, Springfield
- Sylvia Knight, Citizen, Charlotte
- Jim Leland, Director, Agency of Agriculture, Food & Markets
- Jamie Longtin, President, Sunset Lake Association
- Sue Mackey, Citizen, Salisbury
- Deborah Markowitz, Secretary, Agency of Natural Resources
- James Maroney, Owner, Leicester
- Trey Martin, Senior Policy Advisor, Department of Environmental Conservation
- Steve McLeod, Vermont Forest Products Association
- Lydia Menendez, Assistant Director, Vermont Rivers Conservancy
- Kellie Merrell, Aquatic Biologist, Agency of Natural Resources
- James Michael, Citizen, Leicester
- Ted Michel, Orwell
- Padraic Monks, Stormwater Program Manager, Department of Environmental Conservation
- Julie Moore, Citizen, Middlesex
- Robert Nesbit MD, Physician, Lake St. Catherine Association
- Michael O'Grady, Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Council
- Carla Ochs, Selectboard Member, Orwell
- Chip Paison, Lake Dunmore/Fern Lake Association
- Amy Picotte, Lakes and Ponds Division, Agency of Natural Resources
- Dean Pierce, Town Planner, Shelburne
- Linda Pitkin, Citizen, Leicester
- Sue Potter, President, Lake Dunmore-Fern Lake Association
- Kevin Rose, Citizen, Tunbridge
- Paul Saenger, Selectboard Member, Shoreham
- James Selleck, Citizen, Salisbury
- Warner Shedd, Citizen, East Calais
- Wally Shonnard, Ferrisburgh
- William Shouldice, Planning and Zoning Commission Member, Leicester
- Denise Smith, Executive Director, Friends of Northern Lake Champlain
- Peter Sterling, Montpelier
- Perry Thomas, Lake Eden Association
- Margaret Villeneuve, Citizen, Whiting
- Rich Warren, Citizen, Starksboro
- Susan Warren, Program Manager- Lakes & Ponds Management, Department of Environmental Conservation
- Susan Warren, Section Chief of Lakes & Ponds Management, Department of Environmental Conservation
- Janet Weaver, Citizen, Ferrisburgh
- David White, Director of Planning and Zoning, City Of Burlington
- Peggy Willey, West Fairlee Conservation Commission
- Mike Winslow, Staff Scientist, Lake Champlain Committee
- William Wright, Lake Iroquois Association
- Mark Young, President, Lake Hortonia Property Owners Association