Act No. 68 (S.92). Health; environmental health; schools
An act relating to the protection of students' health by requiring the use of safe cleaning products in schools
This act seeks to protect the health of school building occupants by prohibiting manufacturers and distributors of cleaning products from selling or distributing to schools, school districts, supervisory unions, or procurement consortiums those cleaning products that have not been certified as environmentally preferable by an independent third party, or are not environmentally preferable products used by the department of buildings and general services (BGS) in state contracts. It also prohibits manufacturers and distributors from selling or distributing air fresheners that have not been certified as environmentally preferable by an independent third party. Distributors and manufacturers are required to provide green cleaning training to each school district they provide with environmentally preferable cleaning products at no cost to the school district.
This act requires contractors providing cleaning services to a school, school district, or supervisory union to only use those cleaning products that have been certified as environmentally preferable by an independent third party, or are environmentally preferable products used by BGS in state contracts. It also requires that contractors who provide cleaning services to a school, school district, or supervisory union use only air fresheners that have been certified as environmentally preferable by an independent third party.
This act allows schools to continue to use conventional cleaning products purchased prior to July 1, 2012 until supplies are depleted. Approved independent schools with fewer than 50 students may continue to use conventional cleaning products purchased prior to July 1, 2013 until supplies are depleted.
This act requires that additional information be added to an existing electronic school environmental health clearinghouse site located on the Vermont department of health's website. The additional information shall contain material on environmentally preferable cleaning products, including a list of environmentally preferable products used by BGS or a list of cleaning products that have been certified as environmentally preferable by an independent third party. Procedures for using environmentally preferable cleaning products shall also be added to the clearinghouse site.
Lastly, this act requires instruction on green cleaning practices, including products and procedures, at the annual environmental health training workshop for school environmental health coordinators and school administrators, and at the annual training for school maintenance and custodial staff.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012